4897 Buford Hwy, Ste 222 ......................... Làm thuê hay triệu phú

Atlanta, GA 30341-3669.............................. Đời đối xử công bình

Tel (770) 696-1189 .................................... Muốn được đời tưởng thưởng

Fax (770) 696-1587 ................................... Hãy đòi hỏi chính mình ..............(someone wrote this)

http://www.LocThaiCPA.com ....................Email: LocThaiCPA@gmail.com

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Director's Kit

The director's kit provides an individual nonprofit director with an organized means of:

- The mission statement 
- Corporate articles and bylaws
- The strategic plan
- Written policies of the organization
- An organization chart
- Budgets
- Information on directors duties and responsibilities
- Contact information for other directors, including name, address, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses
- Manual with functions and related activities
- Daily opening and closing procedures
- Personalized Director's survival handbook with the Director's name
- Committees' handbook
- Names, phone numbers, addresses, and titles of staff members
- A calendar of the organization's activities and meeting schedule
- Letterhead template & business cards.

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